Communicating Food Safety Messages

In our first blog for October, we reviewed the fundamentals of effective communication. We suggested considering the framework of Who, What, When, Where, and How for crafting messages and determining the best method for delivery. In this blog, we provide some suggestions on how to effectively message about correct handwashing and glove use, as these are fundamental safe food handling practices.

Correct handwashing by employees is often hit or miss. Research shows that staff know when and how to wash hands correctly, but don’t always act on that knowledge due to time availability, lack of supplies, or not being aware of the critical nature of handwashing. The message of why, when and how to wash hands in a foodservice setting needs to be conveyed. Managers cannot assume all employees know correct handwashing methods. Believe us, we have conducted extensive observational research in a variety of foodservices and the “splash and dash” approach is quite prevalent. FoodHandler® has created a variety of tools to convey the message about correct handwashing.  There are videos that explain what to do and why it is important, which can be helpful in getting the message across. Posters and other signage that can be used to reinforce the message in the operation are also available. Standard Operating Procedures on handwashing expectations should be included in employee handbooks as well as the organization’s food safety plan. There are sample modifiable templates available at

Using these resources incorporates different delivery methods that recognizes employees are individuals who each have unique learning styles, as Dr. Susan Arendt recommended in the September webinar. The visual-based learners will appreciate the videos and posters while those who learn best by reading will use the SOP as a guide. As managers, the key is to have these tools to show to staff along with communicating the expectation that this is how we do things here! If someone sees someone NOT washing hands when and how they should, then they should say something. It should be considered OK in your foodservice for one worker to remind another; we all should appreciate these nudges because everyone knows it is easy in the fast-paced environment to forget! Which leads us to how you communicate with customers about handwashing.  How many times have you, as a customer, gone into the restroom in a foodservice operation and find it is unkempt – there are no basic supplies of soap or paper towels?  Your first thought might be (ours certainly has been) – how are employees washing their hands? Many customers will first scope out a foodservice’s restroom before making the dining decision (we admit to doing that, and we are not alone). The restroom signifies an operation’s commitment to cleanliness, which is a foundation for food safety. Lack of a clean environment would raise questions about the manager’s commitment to food safety.  If basic things are not done, then what corners are they cutting in the kitchen, which is usually not in the public eye?  Of course the restroom is just one example of how messages about food safety can be communicated to customers. Managers have responsibility for the operation’s success. Communicating effectively through words, visuals, or practices is a big part of that responsibility. Effective messaging about food safety is one risk reduction strategy that should be taken. Risk Nothing!

Handling Leafy Green Salad

We have had several produce outbreaks of foodborne disease from our lettuce, spinach, and other greens in the last several years that have been devastating to the produce growers and distributors, retail grocery stores, restaurants, and consumers.

Food Packaging Safety in a Vacuum

Extending the shelf life of fresh foods has come a long way in the food industry since curing meats with salt and sugar or canning vegetables with heat processing. The food service and consumer markets needed some better visual packages to draw the eye to the freshness factor and the technology of food packaging has filled our dinner plate. Vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere packaging, shortened to “MAP”, are the terms used for the method of food packaging used every time we choose convenience over more complex scratch meal preparation. According to industry statistics, billions of packages of vacuum and MAP-packaged foods flood the marketplace today. In both modified-atmosphere and vacuum packaging, food is packaged in a pouch made of barrier film.

The Eleven Commandments of Food Safety at Your Restaurant

Lists help us remember all kinds of information. Given the list of recent national foodborne outbreaks in the news, keep repeating this list to your food service team. They are kind of like “commandments”. As a professional in a food service facility we should think of the very basic food safety concepts that every crew member should aspire to learn, even though this list may have different priorities based on your menu. The first 3 apply to anyone who serves food, from a bag of popcorn to a full course meal. As chefs or managers, if we can “set the example” by repeating good food safety practices visibly to the crew, it will help them understand how important it is to the success of your facility. Thou shalt:

The Worst Customer Complaint: Foodborne Illness

Food service managers and crew try to follow the rules of food protection.  Yet, occasionally a complaint may arise and these calls take priority over all other daily crises.  If you have been in the food service industry long enough, you may have gotten one of these.  A customer may claim, "I think your food made me ill." These words inflict instant anxiety. If it happens, here are some next steps to think about in advance of such a claim: