WWUD IF …? Common Emergency Scenarios in Foodservice Operations
It is cold outside, at least here in the Midwest! Here’s hoping the water pipes don’t freeze or the wind doesn’t blow down power lines causing us to lose electricity! What would we do if these types of emergencies were to happen?
Having an emergency plan in place helps foodservices facing these situations, or other types of emergencies, be prepared. In our first blog for this month, we covered some of the basics in developing an emergency preparation plan. In this blog, we will review some of the action steps to take in a few “typical” emergency situations: flooding, water disruption, and fire. Hopefully your foodservice never has to respond to any of these, but just in case, it is good to have a plan ready that will provide guidance in responding. Have the plan reviewed by the local health authority to ensure it is compliant with regulations and get approval.
Flooding. Unfortunately, several parts of the country, including western Iowa, experienced multiple flooding occurrences this last spring. Broken pipes in a foodservice could also cause flooding. Obviously, suspension of operations needs to occur so that cleaning and sanitizing can take place. Local health inspection may be needed before reopening. Not all foods need to be discarded but those in contact with the flood waters and any food or supply item (such as paper goods) do. If in doubt, throw it out! Any food packed in plastic, paper, cardboard or similar materials should be discarded. Same with any food or beverage items with screw caps, snap lids, crimped/twist caps, and flip tops. Undamaged, commercially-prepared foods in all metal cans or retort pouches can be saved if labels are removed, cans are thoroughly washed and rinsed, followed by disinfecting with 1 tablespoon of regular bleach per gallon of potable water (50 to 100 ppm concentration). Relabel containers as needed with necessary information, such as expiration date.
Water disruption is a likely emergency scenario in foodservices at some point. This can happen from natural causes or because of the actions of humans. Recent versions of the Food Code require foodservices to have a written plan addressing procedures to follow should this occur. What to do? Having disposable service ware on hand is a good preparation strategy. The biggest challenge with disruption of a potable water supply is ensuring hands are washed when and how they should be – it’s kinda hard to get hands clean with soiled water! A foodservice will want to check with local regulatory authorities as to whether alternative strategies, such as double hand sanitizing, is allowed. Or whether the foodservice can stay open IF only packaged foods are served by staff with gloved hands. If the disruption is long lasting, such as during a hurricane, potable water may be trucked in to locations. If that is the case, then a foodservice could use disposable service ware and set up a portable handwashing station. Most health agencies have guidance on how to set up these stations.
Fires from sources outside the foodservice, or that originate inside the operation, are a potential concern. For a foodservice recovering from a fire, there are concerns with the safety of the food because of the heat, fumes from the fire, and/or toxicity from the chemicals from fire extinguishers. Food packed in cans and jars that have been close to the heat of the fire may not be safe because the high temperatures can activate food spoilage bacteria. Fumes from burning materials may permeate packaging of food items, particularly cardboard and plastic containers, which contaminates the food. And, the chemicals used to fight fires are toxic. So any exposed food should be discarded. Canned goods, equipment, utensils, and other food contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized before the operation re-opens. As with other response plans, check with your local health agency to see if an inspection is needed before resuming operations.
We noted in the first blog resources that are available to use in crafting your operation’s emergency preparation plan. Being prepared is good business. Having a written emergency plan guides actions, therefore minimizing the risks from improper responses. It is recommended that an emergency kit is kept in all households (flashlight, batteries, phone list of contacts, bottled water, nonperishable food, blankets, medications, candles, matches, along with first aid and pet supplies) and that a “go bag” be ready for evacuations. Those of you traveling over the holidays may have an emergency kit kept in the car. While we certainly hope you don’t need to use these, we applaud your forward thinking and being ready. Here is hoping all of our readers have a safe and happy holiday season. Be prepared! Risk Nothing!
Refrigeration Tips to Keep Your Food Safe
A refrigerator is one of the most important pieces of kitchen equipment for keeping foods safe. In a food service environment, our existence depends on the cooling equipment. The science of refrigeration has evolved from prehistoric times when man found his wild game would last longer packed in the coolness of a cave or packed in snow. Our ancestors harvested ice to keep food cold. Now, if the power goes off, we are instantly reminded of the refrigerator’s importance to our daily life, at home and certainly in a food service facility.
Food Service Hand Hygiene: Basic Handwashing – Part II
Ignoring handwashing as a priority is easy until faced with a crippling lawsuit. Your risk of transmitting a foodborne disease via a food workers hands will never be zero, but the good news is training your crew about handwashing is not complicated. Molding behavior to do it at the right time, using the correct method is the tough part. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention says the single most effective way to stop the spread of infection is through handwashing. Last month’s article was on the physical equipment to help get better handwashing compliance. The most important part is the practice of the basic handwashing steps:
The Physical Elements of Food Service Hand Hygiene – Part I
September is National Food Safety Education Month and the theme has a rhyme to it – “Keep Hands Clean with Good Hygiene”. Hand washing is one of the public’s best defenses against the spread of both common and rare, even life-threatening, diseases including those caused by food, and against gastrointestinal infections caused by such organisms as the Norovirus, which plagues the cruise ship industry and food service in general.
The Incredible, Edible Egg Safety Quiz
This nutritious, delicate food is a part of many food service menus as a main course and one of the most common ingredients. The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture says Americans consume an average of 234 eggs per person per year. Eggs have also been the source of some significant foodborne outbreaks in the U.S. from one specific type of Salmonella. While eggs are an important source of protein in the diet, an estimated 1 in 20,000 eggs in the U.S. supply will contain the SE (Salmonella Enteritidis) bacteria and can cause illness if eaten raw in foods or not thoroughly cooked before consumption.