Getting Started with Building the Infrastructure

Hopefully in our first January blog, we convinced you of the importance of establishing an infrastructure within your operation to support a safe food culture. So, how does one go about doing this? Well, like any major project, break it into small bites. In our opinion, having a written guide for employees that documents expectations related to food safety basics of employee health and hygiene, temperature controls, and cleaning and sanitizing is the first step. Having this documentation serves as a reference for training and helps fulfill the mission of most foodservice operators which is to serve safe, quality food.

We suggest working on one section at a time. For instance, gather materials currently used with staff that address employee health and hygiene measures. Take a look at existing written information given to employees and be sure it is consistent with the Food Code regulations in your state. Ideally the written information contains the “who, what, when, where, how, and why”, although not necessarily in that order. Adults want to know the rationale behind specific instructions – that is the why. Does the operations currently have a written standard operating procedure or SOP about handwashing? This is a key basic practice and while it might be easy to “pooh pooh” the need for one, it is necessary to not assume everyone washes their hands when and how they should.  Maybe the current communication strategy is posting of signage. If the signage includes the key elements of an SOP, that is ok! Here is one example available through Iowa State University Extension. 

…logs provide proof that measurable benchmarks were met. These can be a valuable defense should there be a complaint…or even a lawsuit.

Details of an SOP include what needs to be done (handwashing), why it matters (prevention of contamination), who these pertain to (everyone!), and how to complete (soap, water, 20 seconds) along with when it needs to be done (between clean/dirty and raw/ready to eat) as these specifics avoid confusion.

The good news is that there are many SOP templates available in the public domain that address food safety basics. You might start with developing SOPs that focus on employee health and hygiene; temperature controls for food during receiving, storage, transport, preparation and service; and cleaning and sanitizing (both manual and machine practices). Iowa State University’s Food Safety Project offers these free of charge in a downloadable Word format for Assisted Living, Child Care, Schools, and Restaurants.  An operator could start with these and customize for their specific foodservice, such as adding the operation’s logo or adding additional practices. Other written guidance, such as an Employee Handbook template and Cleaning and Sanitizing Guide are also available for download.

Another piece of infrastructure is a record-keeping system. Records provide documentation that food safety practices were followed. Logs are one record-keeping tool. Logs are the document where employees note that specific actions were taken, or metrics met. For instance, a cooking log, where chef’s record end point cooking temperatures of temperature controlled for safety foods, or a service log  documents that hot foods were served hot (above 135°F) and cold foods were served cold (below 41°F.). Refrigerator storage logs (often posted on the exterior door of the walk-in) provide at least a daily record that internal temperatures of the unit kept cold foods below 41°F.  In essence, the logs provide proof that measurable benchmarks were met. These can be a valuable defense should there be a complaint from someone, or even a lawsuit. Sample logs are available in the Annex of the Food Code.

Once you get the basic written infrastructure completed (SOPs, written communications to employees, and logs), it is important to communicate this with employees, stressing that these are the expectations for this operation.  Because some people learn best by reading, some by hearing, some by story-telling, and some by doing, mix it up when in-services are held. There are many online modules and videos available that can be interspersed into the training. FoodHandler has some great videos on handwashing and glove use that can be freely downloaded. A benefit of the training is that it helps build a sense of belonging. Some tips for training were presented at the end of the September 2020 SafeBites webinar, so check that out as a starting point. For those who remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a sense of belonging is part of the search for fulfillment. Many foodservice operators consider their teams as family. Shared experiences like training that reflect best practices also instill a sense of community – these reduce turnover and risk!  Risk Nothing!

Exclusion and Restrictions: Understanding Employee Health and the Food Code

I received a call earlier in the month from a foodservice operator who suspected that one of their employees may have fallen ill and wondered if they had to send the employee home for the day.  Once I started to ask a few more questions, it became obvious that the operator wasn’t really in-tune with the food code requirements on restrictions or exclusions for employees who may not be feeling well.  Given that most operations are dealing with staff shortages currently and the fact that we are about to head into the fall and winter – when we tend to see an increase in upper respiratory and other illnesses, such as the flu - it seemed like a very timely and important topic for the blog this month.

Cross Contamination and the Surfaces that go Unnoticed

In October, I ran across a new research study published in the Journal of Food Protection in early-September.  The article explored cross contamination in consumer kitchens during meal preparation. One of the authors was a previous SafeBites presenter, Dr. Ellen Shumaker, at North Carolina State University.  Although the setting was consumer kitchens and not the commercial kitchen many of you deal with daily, the findings were very applicable to what we often see in the foodservice setting.

Emergency Preparedness: The Not-so Calm After the Storm

If you and your foodservice operation have been hit by an emergency or other disaster, what comes next and how do you move forward? Much of the answer to this is predicated on the actual disaster that you are dealing with – a flood is certainly a much different than a fire, but some of the food safety considerations remain the same if your business has been left intact and has not been damaged by the disaster.

Emergency Preparedness and Responding to a Disaster with Food Safety in Mind

As I write the first blog this month, the realities of the devastation in Florida are coming to light as we also deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona, which impacted Puerto Rico late in September. Recent news has been focused on the recovery efforts for all who have been impacted. Thus, I thought it would be fitting this month to discuss emergency disaster planning resources in our first blog and delve into recovering from a disaster in our second blog later this month.