Announcement from FoodHandler’s Sales Manager

We are pleased to announce that our new food safety consultants—Dr. Jeannie Sneed and Dr. Cathy Strohbehn—will be writing blogs twice each month, on the first and fifteenth. Their goal is to make these blogs relevant, and to continue conversations about food safety among foodservice operators. We invite you to contact them to ask questions, share success stories, make suggestions for blog topics, or provide other thoughts you have about food safety. You can email them at

Margie Wiemer

Sales Manager

How Effective is Your Food Safety Training?

Basic food safety in a restaurant kitchen is not rocket science, but critically important for the crew to take the time to learn about it and for managers to set the example each day.  Customers never expect or want to see a manager, chef, or a crew member make a very visible food safety mistake, like not washing hands before food prep and gloving, or touching their face or hair while prepping or handling food.  Have we all seen it happen in our restaurant or as a customer elsewhere? Certainly.  Are you using some creativity in your current training methods to help your staff “get it” so to speak, and reflect positive behaviors regarding food safety?

Why Does Food Spoil?

Food gradually deteriorates because of a natural process of aging, just like humans. However with all foods, there are a few things we can do that have a positive effect on the shelf life and safety of our foods at the restaurant. Some preservation is done at the food manufacturing plant, some naturally, but a better understanding of the processes may help you extend that shelf life. Preservation methods and storage conditions must be designed to reduce the rate of decomposition and protect the safety, appearance and taste of our food.

Top Food Safety Websites

You ask…How do I learn about food safety regulation?  What pathogens in foods can make me sick?  What temperature should I safely cook my roast beef to and how do I take food temperatures?   How do I clean and sanitize anything according to the FDA Food Code?   What and where is the  most recent version of the FDA Food Code? Where can I find food safety educational materials galore in book form or online?  Do I need them in Spanish or a Chinese dialect?