Back to the Basics with Coronavirus

Coronavirus.  Had we conducted a survey at the start of the 2019, we are willing to bet that less than 10% of Americans would have recognized the word and less than 1% would have identified it as a respiratory illness.  Many would have found the entire concept of “social distancing” comical.  Yet, here we are in a world drastically different than it was at the start of March. As we write this in late April, many of your businesses have been negatively impacted in one way or another with declining sales and the need to lay off staff. Doors have closed and the old way of doing business ended. While many of you have embarked on new ways of serving your customers, the foundation of good operating practices has not changed. 

The one thing that has remained true throughout this pandemic is attention to the basics of employees’ health and hygiene, temperature controls, and cleaning and sanitizing fundamentals.  Staying home if ill, washing hands when and how they should be washed, following sound glove use practices , covering your mouth with the inside of your elbow when you cough, avoiding temperature abuse, and cleaning and sanitizing work surfaces are all things we have been doing in foodservice for years. This is not new news to us. Yet, the general public, your clientele, are more aware of potential risks from contamination than ever before. 

In our first blog this month, we will focus on strategies to keep the basics “front and center” for all staff and the importance of temperature controls as new service models are being adopted.  In our second blog, efforts to focus on the fundamentals of cleaning and sanitizing will be covered. Amongst all this chaos, managers must remember to manage! That means communicating clearly what to do and how to complete tasks, monitoring that these procedures are followed, and correcting in the event they are not.

During the peak of the Coronavirus pandemic (and some states have yet to hit their “peak” at this writing), many schools and restaurants resorted to curbside pick-up or delivery only as a strategy to keep kids fed and businesses open.  Some schools have even started having teachers help with curbside pick-up because the teachers want to maintain a connection with their students.  Restaurants have asked staff to take on new roles within the operation, some are helping package food in to-go containers while others may be doing delivery. 

While no doubt there are policies and procedures in place in your operations to complete these tasks, are staff who are filling roles they never expected to fill aware of the right way to do the job? Have we, as managers and supervisors, made sure to supervise staff in the midst of all the chaos with a focus on the basics of good hygiene practices? 

With the recent attention in the media about hand washing, glove use, and face masks, it is important to make sure our staff understand that glove use is not foolproof.  Gloves must be changed.  Hands still must be washed at designated times in the proper way.  If wearing masks, they should not be touched and adjusted. But if they are, correct hand hygiene should follow.  FoodHandler has short videos on topics of hand washing and correct glove use that can communicate the basics to people new to a certain job. Another way is to post reminder signage at key locations. FoodHandler also has some downloadable posters.

With both delivery and curbside pick-up, it is important to be aware of temperatures during storage, holding, and transit of meals. While those with experience in foodservice know proper storage temperatures and time requirements, the general public who now is relying on to-go and take-out food, may not.  Help educate them by including instructions on how and when to store or eat, or better yet, stickers on to-go boxes.  Your local health inspector may have guidance templates available.

In all the chaos and transitions that Coronavirus has forced, both in the workplace and at home, it is imperative that we keep our eye on food safety and the basics. All of this sounds so simple, right?  After all, it is just the “basics”.  But, the devil is in the details!  Are staff following basic hygiene practices? Follow-up with them today and hold them accountable . Now, and even more so in the future, your customers will be watching!  As we say at FoodHandler, Risk nothing!




  • Building infrastructure

Getting Started with Building the Infrastructure

Hopefully in our first January blog, we convinced you of the importance of establishing an infrastructure within your operation to support a safe food culture. So, how does one go about doing this? Well, like any major project, break it into small bites. In our opinion, having a written guide for employees that documents expectations related to food safety basics of employee health and hygiene, temperature controls, and cleaning and sanitizing is the first step. Having this documentation serves as a reference for training and helps fulfill the mission of most foodservice operators which is to serve safe, quality food.

  • food safety in the new year

Food Safety Resolutions for the New Year

Finally, 2020 is in our rearview mirror and we can all turn the page to 2021! Resolutions for the new year might be more of the same from prior years (lose weight, exercise more, less screen time, etc.) OR you may have identified new practices to implement in your operation. If the latter, likely goals included some practices related to food safety – especially given the turmoil of 2020 and heightened concern by customers. It is our philosophy that attention to safe food handling practices is a win-win for any operation because of the direct relationship between food safety and food quality, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction. This past year has also demonstrated that attention to safety can affect the bottom line. Thus, the topic of our first SafeBites webinar for 2021 is on the topic of the return on investment of food safety, it is scheduled for January 20, so register now and please plan to attend.

  • taking-out-trash

To Toss or Not to Toss? That is the question.

Our first blog for the month emphasized the basic safe food practices needed to keep you and your guests healthy (and happy!), especially during these times of COVID. The impact of foodborne illness can range from an uncomfortable few days to hospitalization or death. Foodborne illness IS preventable and the steps taken to keep food safe also maintain quality of food, and ultimately profitability. Think of attention to food safety as part of quality control and a win-win business strategy. Knowledge about food safety can be helpful when controlling costs as making wise decisions when determining the fate of unserved food can affect the bottom line.

  • hamburger_prep

Holiday Food Safety Controls

In case you have not noticed - the holidays are here! We have seen store decorations up since mid-September and early bird deals advertised for several weeks, stretching the typical Black Friday deals throughout the month as retailers strive to ensure market share, while following increasingly stringent mandates for physical distancing