

Joshua Zeck

5.00 (26 Reviews)


1 Courses
81 Students
2024-11-30 18:56:26

very informative was h your hands

2024-11-25 14:48:22

Understanding the inspection process is half of the battle. Food safety is so important and is often overlooked.

2024-11-17 19:41:34

Very informative and presented well.

2024-10-10 18:31:06

Yes, it is informative and helpful

2024-10-09 23:58:38

Excellent information! Thank you Kevin for lining up Joshua! A good deal was refresher for me. I do not mind that at all. I liked that the big 6 foodborne illnesses were part of the Webinar. I also enjoyed the fact that the top 10 situations were mentioned along with the risk factors associated with them. I work in a teaching environment, and all of this has been great information for me to pass on! Thank you for the Webinars! I really appreciate them!

2024-10-01 13:12:18

Course was a great review of principles of food safety, including the 5 main risk factors.

2024-09-26 20:46:36

Very informative from the Inspectors perspective. This really helps to understand their role a lot better. Loved the examples on best practives

2024-09-26 17:33:32

Yes the content was very informative and easy to understand. This is excellent for new and experianced food inspectors.

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