Finding the Food Safety Training Program that is Right for You

Back in October of 2021, I highlighted the different food safety training programs available for you to use to train employees. I thought it might be pertinent to refresh this list again during National Food Safety Education month.

One of the first questions I always get about the training requirement in the food code is, “do I have to pass a certified exam”?  The answer is no, you don’t.  To be more specific, knowledge and certification requirements are spelled out in the 2022 FDA Model Food Code. Section 2-102.11 mandates the knowledge requirement for the person in charge, which can be satisfied by one of three different methods: having no priority violations during the current inspection; being a certified food protection manager, having passed a test as part of an accredited program; or responding to the inspector’s questions about a variety of identified food safety topics.

if my business were ever the source of a foodborne illness outbreak, I would certainly want to know that I had done everything in my power to protect my guests and having trained my employees who work on the front lines with the food I serve in my business would be the very least that I could do.

However, I don’t know about you, but if my business were ever the source of a foodborne illness outbreak, I would certainly want to know that I had done everything in my power to protect my guests and having trained my employees who work on the front lines with the food I serve in my business would be the very least that I could do.

Thus, below is a list of all organizations who are currently certified to offer the food safety certification exam and some basic information about the program.

Accredited Food Manager Examinations[1]

Name of Organization Website Format Cost Other Notes
AAA Food Safety Training: Online

Exam: Remote proctoring

Training & Exam: $99.95

Exam only: $69.95

 Training Only: $49.95

The $99.95 rate only provides one attempt to pass the exam.  There is a “Diamond Package” available for $119.95 that provides one free retreat.
WFSO Academy  Training: Online

Exam: Remote or in-person at test site

Exam, remote proctoring: $95.00

Exam, in-person at test site: $125.00

 Training: $12 – $95.00

Study courses are priced individually but can also be purchased in a comprehensive bundle.

Access to the course is available for one year. 

Certus / Training: online

Exam: In-person or online, remote proctoring available

Training & Exam: $78.00[2] + proctor fee (varies, usually around $50)

Training only: $65.00

Exam only: $28.00 plus proctor fee (varies, usually around $50)

If you fail the exam, you must repurchase a new exam, however the course remains free.   Examinee must repurchase the exam and register for an exam session for each attempted retake., Inc. Training: Online

Exam: Remote proctoring, cost included with both the training and exam package and the exam only option.

Training & Exam: $121.00

Exam only: $69.99

Students allowed two attempts to pass the exam with no additional cost.

Not approved for New York City

My Food Service License Training: Online

Exam: Remote proctoring.

Training & Exam: $199.00

Exam only: $100.00

 Training only: $161.00

Normal prices are reported.  At the time of the audit, the training and exam were “on sale” for $169.00 and the training only was $115.00.
National Registry of Food Safety Professionals Training: It appears this is designed for in-person training, but self-study options are allowed.  There is an affiliate network that provides online training for an additional cost.

Exam: Online or in-person

Training & Exam: $70.95

Self-Study Training Materials: $23.00-$103.95

Exam only: $80.00

Of accredited programs, this was the most complicated of the websites to navigate in order to determine what you needed to purchase to obtain the certification.
National Restaurant Association Training: In-person or online

Exam: In-person or online, remote proctoring available.

Training & Exam: In-person costs will vary; online $179.00

Exam only with online proctoring: $99.00

Online Exam Voucher only: $36.00

If you fail the exam, you must repurchase a new exam, however the course remains free.
Trust20 Training: Online, remote proctored.

Exam: Online

Training: $90.00

Exam only: $90.00

If you fail the exam, you must repurchase a new exam.  The training is available, but only results in a “certificate”, not certification.  There does not appear to be a combined training/exam package with a reduced rate.
Responsible Training Training: Online, remote proctored by Examity.

Exam: Online

Training & Exam: $119.99

Exam only: $64.99

Students allowed two attempts to pass the exam with no additional cost.
The Always Food Safe Company, LLC Training: Online

Exam: Remote proctoring, cost included with both the training and exam package and the exam only option.

Training & Exam: $78.00 + Remote Proctor Fee of $48.00

Exam only: $28.00 + Remote Proctor Fee of $48.00

Students allowed two attempts to pass the exam with no additional cost.

As I noted last time I posted this list, I am sure there are several of you out there who would like me to tell you which program is the best for you, but it all depends on how you learn, how you’d like to take the exam, and your budget.  Look into each and use your best judgement. I am not endorsing any of the programs, only noting that they are approved for your use. Whichever you decide, be sure to check with your local health department to make sure they also recognize the exam before you pay for it.

Have you had good or bad experiences with either of these training and exams that you’d like to share?  If so, drop me a note.  I’d love to hear about your experiences and may be able to use this in a future blog. Risk Nothing.

[1] Information is current as of 9/26/2023

[2] Fee is specific to the state and, in some cases, the county.  It appears that most are $78.00.

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Food Safety Resolutions for the New Year

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